Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow, Snow Go Away! I'm gonna host a GIVEAWAY!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!  We have been snowed in for FOUR DAYS!!!  I can't handle it anymore!!!  I'm from FLORIDA!!!  I need sunshine!!!  Scott and I are finally getting out of the house to go to a marriage conference in Virginia Beach.  It's called "A Weekend to Remember."  We're not married yet but we wanted to get as much counseling in as possible beforehand.  We started our counseling with the preacher this week.  He was very amendment in letting us know we were living in sin...(I hang my head down in shame...)  Just to clear the air, we DID move in for financial for the wedding, honeymoon, pay off bills, etc.  I know, in God's eyes, that's no excuse!  But anywho, I'm linking up for....

  Even though we are born and bred Floridians and don't like the cold, we tried to make the most of it.
We finally got Rosco out in the snow!

We decided to go sledding.  We didn't have a sled so we used a piece of cardboard.  Redneck sledding at it's finest.

I am still going to celebrate Valentine's Day when my friends come back on Monday.  Scott, being the amazing fiance that he is, helped me out and made the heart crayons I make every year.

They turned out precious!  Scott liked them because they were free!

And with all the time I had being inside, I was able to wrap them up and make cute tags.

My friends have also been working on Valentine's Literacy Centers.  I found the most adorable mailboxes at Target for a dolla - holla!  We have been working on all the ways to spell long i so I made a short and long i sort with tiny envelopes.  They were so STANKIN' CUTE!

This friend said, "Miss Toms, I'm going to model it for everyone so they can see how it's done."
How could I have NOT taken a picture of that!

For some reason, they like to sort them into the mailboxes first, then open the mailboxes and line the cards up, then record them.  Whatever floats their boat!

This and other centers (ten to be exact) are included in my Lovely Literacy Centers.

And guess what?  I'm giving them away for FREE for a limited time!  A little Valentine's Day present for you!  If you would like this pack, then you can get them HERE.
All I ask in return for Valentine's Day is that you leave positive feedback :)

So Happy Valentine's Day y'all!
Go spread the love!


  1. Thank you so much for the free Valentine's Day pack. Those little mailboxes are ADORABLE! SO fun! I had to stop by when I saw your blog on Doodlebugs. Have a great weekend : )

  2. I seriously love the mailboxes! Too cute! I found you through Doodle Bugs and love the look of your blog:)
    Natalies Nook

  3. Cute blog! We were snowed in here in NC for four days, too. Back to the grind this week for six days of school- we're going on Saturday this week. Have a great week!


    Always Adapting
