Friday, September 12, 2014

Five for Friday and a Little Freebie

I'm so stankin' glad it's Friday!  Was anyone else's kids actin a fool this week?  Mine were CRAY!
Even though my kids acted like they had never been in school, I still got a lot accomplished.  And only 2 MORE WEEKS til I track out!  Woop Woop!  (I'm at year round school.)  So, I'm doing my usual and linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for a little Five for Friday action.

First off, I am CLIP ART!!
I had Nikki from Melonheadz to turn me into clip art and I stinkin love it!  I plan on using it for newsletters and things like that in my classroom.

I have some little friends that STILL can't blend cvc words (insert panic HERE).  So I started to use my interactive notebook activities with them in small goup.

 For this particular activity, they have to sort the picture under the correct middle vowel sound.  We will sort the first day...
 And then write the word the next day.
 My higher friends worked on blends.

I have a ton of these activities that I'll be using as interventions!
We've been working on Narrative Writing for the past 7 weeks.  We have been sharing, conferring, publishing, revising...YOU NAME IT!  I saw this goal sheet on Pinterest and made it for my friends when we first started working on our narratives.
It worked great, and really helped my students see what areas they really needed to focus on. 
Then, some of my students were really getting it, and didn't need this goal sheet anymore.  They really needed to fine-tune the components of narrative writing.  
So I made this goal sheet...
I find myself asking them these questions often so I thought, let's make goals out of these!
I also made them a sheet to keep with their pieces so they can check off when they add them to their pieces.
You can get this check off sheet for FREE HERE!  Just let me know if it doesn't load like it's supposed to :)

We've been working on our word problems every day.  I leave a problem on their desk and it's what they work on first thing in the morning.

I pick the set I need for the week (or 2), print, and slice them up and put them in baggies.
When they come in in the morning, they have the word problem already at their desks.  They glue it in their notebooks and go.  I display the word problem on the overhead and we go through it together after they work on it for a few minutes.  We will be doing this ALL YEAR.  I find that if we don't practice certain skills all the time, we start to lose them.
CLICK HERE to get the first five days for FREE!

Lastly, I'm working on some Apple Math Centers for my friends to review skills we have covered.  I have a few done already...

I plan on combining them with my Apple Literacy Centers that my students are currently working on for Daily 5.

Hope y'all enjoy those freebies!  Link up with Doodle Bugs and have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Love your clipart! Happy Friday!

  2. You little busy bee! I love all of your creations! The clip art is adorable and I'm totally stealing your goal sheet ideas for next week!

    1. Hey Erin! The only reason why I look like I'm so busy is because my husband is working out of town and I'm bored! BTW I've been stealing a lot of your pins on Pinterest!

  3. I love those writing goals! I definitely think I need to make a poster like yours and incorporate it in my classroom. My kiddos are all over the place when it comes to what they need to work on during our Writer's Workshop! Also - love the clip art! Nikki is so talented!

    Paiges of Learning
