Friday, May 22, 2015

Five for Friday! and some Under the Sea freebies!

While everyone else is getting out of school and already on summer vacation, I've still got 5 more weeks left.  Then I have to go to school at the end of July!  But I keep telling myself that it's okay because I get a nice long fall break! And 5 weeks in winter.  And 3 weeks for Spring Break.

So since I'm far from being done with school, I thought I'd share what's going on in first grade!
I always have to jazz up my writing center to change with the seasons.  It keeps the room fresh and adds interest.
The fishing net came from Michael's...
Y'all can get the word wall cards HERE FOR FREE.

My new Work on Writing for May/June is up and running in the Work on Writing center.  It includes many topics that the students are familiar with in the summer time. 

I also include little booklets for the students to pick a word from the wall and put it in a sentence.  You can get the May books HERE FOR FREE.

I was tickled that this little friend made sure her rubric was beside her as she wrote!

I added new sight word work mats for the new season and...
I have reinstated sand.  
(We couldn't handle sand at the beginning of the year.)
They pick a word, (from the beach bucket of course) place it on the mat, read it, and use the sand for the "build it" section.

My friends also love the shells!  This activity is at Word Work.
They observe a shell, draw it, give it a name and make a list of adjectives to describe it.
You can get this book HERE FOR FREE.

For number 5 I had to show y'all these adorable bags for listen to reading.  It's gotten to the point where I've gone overboard with the bags for every season but they are so stankin' cute!  And I don't know why I didn't do bags sooner.  Back in the day, I would have 4 or 5 kids crowded around one big cd player listening to ONE story!  Then they would fight over who would press the button, the story would end before the center rotation would end and they would start playing and it was a big ol' mess!
Now they grab a bag and go! 
They find a spot in the room and LISTEN.  Usually I'll see a few friends just switch bags when they are done.  It's so worth it and saves a lot of argument.

Since I'll be in school for another month, I'm working on this pack for Word Work.  It includes many phonics skills that first grade learns at the end of the year.  
It's gonna be so stankin' cute when it's done!

Link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching and find other teachers with fabulous ideas!


  1. OMG, JoCo, I WANT TO BE IN YOUR CLASS! You are THE cutest. I love the ocean theme and your writing center is to die for! ;)

    School and the City
